Tomb Raider (2018)

IMDB Action, Adventure, Drama

Stars: Alicia Vikander, Dominic West

Fuck Yeah!

Lara Croft is back and does not disappoint. The outcome is an action heavy, thrill packed movie that doesn’t fall short from its predecessors. It managed something rare these days: to feel like the previous movies but upgraded, which I guess should always be the objective when it comes to successful sagas.

Tomb Raider (2018) tells the tale of a younger Lara, who’s life took a wrong turn when her father mysteriously disappeared and is believed to be deceased. The rest is pure bravery, persistence and madness! She went threw so much, both mentally and physically, my god! Huge thumbs up for the movie.


Great performance from Alicia Vikander, definitely the perfect pick for the job! She took Tomb Raider (2018) and made it her own. Can’t picture the movie with a different actress now. It is now my favorite from the saga… so far! As for comparing it to the previous titles: “it’s a different type of sexy”!


(also, I already have good expectations for the sequel. What did you think of the end scene? Did you see it coming?)



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