Tyrion Lannister Speech at King’s Landing (Blackwater Bay)

If you're a Game of Thrones fan then, you probably remember Tyrion's pivotal role in the defense of King's Landing, against Stannis and his army. During this epic fight, also referred to as the "Battle of Blackwater Bay", it was up to the half man to grow a pair and lead the troops to victory.... Continue Reading →

One Piece (1999)

If you already saw One piece, you will enjoy what comes next! If you haven’t seen One piece, and you like anime for the great animations, creativity and hype moments you should probably put this one on top of your Need-to-watch list. This is how it all started: a gold race… a new age… and... Continue Reading →

Sword of the Stranger (Anime, 2007)

I’ll be wrapping this Sunday with another review. And I was wondering: Should I suggest a movie? Maybe an anime series? Hard times... But hey it’s Sunday and you should wrap it up in the best way possible, so... here is My Movie Consultant's very own, first, anime movie review! Featuring an epic music from... Continue Reading →

V for Vendetta: V introduction speech

Although very early in the movie and delivered in a way that 99% of the population could not understand or assimilate, the introduction speech from V is extremely accurate and descriptive about who is and what are his motivations. But no one understood it so you still have to watch the rest of the movie... Continue Reading →

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